Tuesday, January 30, 2007

ngây ngô

Gần hai tuần nay, hai đứa thi nhau bịnh, trong đầu toàn là urgent care, after hours pediatrics, antibiotics, viruses, chicken soup... Mệt đứ đừ. Ngồi nghĩ lại mấy cái sự ngây ngô của con, hay cười một mình trong lúc lái xe (nhìn giống như hơi bị bất bình thường).

: Mommy, I’m sitting on your right side and Jasmine is sitting on your left side, right?
: Nooooo, you are sitting on Mommy’s right side and I’m sitting on Mommy’s wrong side.


The Nurse: Please step on the scale. Wow, what a big girl you are!

Jasmine (rolls her eyes): No, I’m not a big girl. I can’t even snap my fingers.


Kenny: Mommy, I don’t like Dì Út. Dì Út có nhiều râu quá làm con nhột!

Mommy: Huh? Dì Út? Dì Út làm gì có râu?

Kenny: Uhhh, ông Út chớ.

Mommy: (phewww)


Daddy: Con gái ba tên gì nè?

Jasmine: Lủng chảy…tè le.


Kenny: Mommy, palm trees don’t grow near the house. They grow near the beach.

Mommy: Sao con biết?

Kenny: Last year, when I was four, I didn’t know. Now, I’m five, I just know.


Jasmine: Daddy, I like Raymond. He’s my boyfriend.

Daddy: Really? That’s nice. (he must assume Raymond is a boy and her friend. Imagine 10 or 15 years later, I’ll be surprised if he has the same reaction)

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